The most dangerous pests for an agricultural crop are those. That cause a great deal of damage and if not dealt with in time can cause great losses. These pests can be insects, mites, fungi or any other form of life that is capable of damaging a crop. Among the 3 most dangerous to watch out for are insects, mites and fungi.
Insects may seem harmless, but there are some that are specifically create to cause damage to crops. Butterflies, for example, can land on cotton and cotton plants. Leaving larvae that suck nutrients from the plant and break it down internally. So it becomes more susceptible to disease attack. This causes the plant to lose its crop and the cotton to be severely damage. Another insect pest are bugs. Which are capable of destroying an entire crop if not treated at the time. Even if they are the most resistant species.
Mites pose a threat to agricultural crop that are on dry paths
These arachnids are able to reproduce very quickly in these conditions. Feeding on plant tissue and leaves, leaving crops dry, which favors fungal attack. These mites can also cause diseases such as rust, which wreaks severe havoc on some crops.
Fungi are a life form that transmit fungal diseases to crops. These bacteria produce a kind of mold on fruits, leaves or branches of plants. Making them susceptible to disease and causing crop losses. An example of this is the whorlworm, a fungal fungus that grows in damp, dark soil, making it impossible to detect in time.
It is essential for the farmer to be aware of these pests to prevent crop damage. Any of the above pests can be crippling to any crop. Requiring the use of special products to control these pests, as well as constant monitoring to detect their presence early. From chemicals to organic solutions, there are useful tools to combat these pests and maintain crop health. This being so, it is important to be alert and act wisely to avoid the destruction of your crop.

3 most harmful phytopathogens that an agricultural crop can catch
Plant pathogens are microorganisms, mainly fungi and bacteria, that cause plant diseases. These diseases can be a threat to agricultural crops and their control is essential to maintain the production and quality of fruits and agricultural products. Among the 3 most damaging phytopathogens that an agricultural crop can contract are sigatoka, rust and powdery mildew.
Sigatoka is a disease cause by the fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis, one of the most aggressive phytopathogens for the production of bananas and other crops. This disease is characterize by a series of brown spots that affect plant leaves, significantly reducing crop production. Sigatoka can spread rapidly in crops, especially when temperatures are warm and humidities are high. The best way to prevent and control this disease is through repeated fungicide treatments.
Blackberry Rust is a disease cause by the fungus Phaethomopolina aeciicola
This disease primarily affects raspberry, blueberry, olive and other berry fruit crops. This disease originates when climatic conditions are warm and humid, with flying parasites, such as the whitefly, being the main responsible for the spread of this disease. The symptoms of blackberry rust are small black spots on leaves and fruit, which can cause a decrease in the production and quality of affected crops. The best control is through the use of fungicides.
Powdery mildew is a disease caused by the fungus Plasmopara viticola. This disease mainly affects grapevine crops but can also affect other crops. Such as potato, corn, watermelon, melon, squash and tomato. Symptoms are yellowing and wilting of leaves, mainly in the younger parts of the plant. Powdery mildew is spread through the secretion of spores by flying parasites. The best form of control is the application of fungicides and the maintenance of a strict disinfection and cleaning program.
The 3 most damaging plant pathogens to agricultural crops are Sigatoka, Blackberry Rust and Powdery Mildew. These diseases can cause a significant reduction in the production and quality of affected crops, so it is important to prevent, control and apply appropriate treatments to avoid damage. Early detection of plant pathogens present in crops can be an important step to prevent their spread and preserve crop health.

3 most problematic bacteria that an agricultural crop can catch
Bacteria are microorganisms involve in the production of most of the food we consume today. Although many bacteria are beneficial to the agricultural crop, some can be harmful to crops and produce diseases. This time we are going to tell you about the 3 most troublesome bacteria for agricultural crops.
The first of these bacteria is xanthomonas
This bacterium usually affects mainly tomato, zucchini, bell pepper and melon crops. This bacterium spreads easily through water, soil, pollen or wind. It can cause spots and damage to fruit. To combat this bacterium, it is necessary to apply specific fungicides and make a preventive treatment of crops to avoid its spread.
The second bacterium is ralstonia solanacearum
This bacterium usually affects mainly tomato, zucchini, bell pepper and sweet potato crops. This is another dangerous bacterium for agricultural crops as it spreads through water and soil and can cause crop death. To combat this bacterium. Specific fungicides must be applied as soon as the crops are planted. Otherwise the damage caused by these bacteria can be very serious.
Finally, we have the Xylella fastidiosa bacterium. This bacterium is know for its high capacity of dissemination through air and water and usually affects olive trees, almond trees, apricots and peaches among other crops. This bacterium can cause diseases such as emerald wilt, which causes severe defoliation of trees and can cause dirt and loss of fruit. To combat this bacterium, specific insecticides must be applied to eradicate its insect vectors, as well as herbicide and fungicide treatments.
These are some of the most troublesome bacteria that can be found in agricultural crops. These bacteria can cause severe damage to crops, so it is necessary to carry out preventive treatments with different phytosanitary products to avoid the risk of contamination. Some of these treatments include the application of fungicides, insecticides and herbicides to control the spread of these bacteria and ensure crop health and quality.